
Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Every time a patient comes into one of my examination rooms, their eyes always move to the X-ray machine hanging on the wall. And I understand why — with its long arms, hinges that pivot, and elongated head that houses the X-ray Tube, it can look to patients like an alien or futuristic ray gun. So I understand how it

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How to Brush Your Teeth

Every single day during a routine dental cleaning, I see patients who have gingivitis, periodontal disease, excessive tartar and cavities. These patients could easily have avoided the extra costs associated with these problems if they only knew how to brush properly. So here are some tips that will help you to keep a healthy mouth, and also keep down your

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Dental Sealants – What Are They and Are They Safe?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dental cavities or tooth decay is the number one chronic disease in children between the ages of six to eleven (25%) and adolescents aged 12 to 19 years (59%). Tooth decay is four times more common than asthma among adolescents 14 to 17 (15%). A staggering 51 Million+ school hours

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