When was the last time you had a dental appointment?
Three, four months ago or so? You might have planned a needed treatment back then or you are due for your bi-annual regular check-up. But COVID-19 came and disrupted all your plans. You cannot go out nor your dentist’s office is open.
While you can get in touch with your dentist through calls or virtual means, the necessity of physically being assessed and treated is a lot more beneficial. For months, you have endured not getting in-office care and settled for self-care.
Until now, the lockdown has been lifted in North Carolina and dental practices were allowed to operate under Phase 1 State reopening.
Dental Practices Re-Opens in North Carolina
The long wait is over and you can now visit your dentist to have your long-overdue dental check-up or treatment. But we know that you still have some anxiety when going out because the coronavirus remains a threat.
For your peace of mind, dental practices are following health and safety precautions to combat the risk of COVID-19. Guidelines from the American Dental Association (ADA) and the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners were issued to help dental practices get back to work safely.
The “New Normal” in Dental Practices
The institution of best practices in dental settings during COVID-19 has paved the way to the “new normal” in providing dental care. This has changed the landscape for dentists entirely.
Your visit to the dentist will be much different from just a few months ago. From scheduling your appointment to your actual dental visit and treatment up to the continuing of oral care.
Do’s and Don’ts at Your Dental Visits
To prepare you for the “new normal” in professional dental care, we thought of providing you this guide on what to do and not to do at your next dental appointment. We hope this can help you adapt more easily.
When Scheduling Your Dental Appointment
1. Call your dentist beforehand to set an appointment.
2. Undergo a COVID-19 pre-screening interview with your dentist.
3. Take note of your reminders relative to the new policies for in-office care.
1. Don’t make unsolicited dental visits.
2. Don’t lie with your responses to the pre-screening interview. Tell the truth with regards to any symptoms or exposure to COVID-19. This can save lives.
During Your Dental Appointment
1. Carry a hand sanitizer at all times. But don’t worry, the dental office should have alcohol-based hand rub. Your hands will be disinfected as soon as you enter the premises.
2. Submit to the pre-registration procedures. Have your temperature checked and undergo the same screening interview.
3. Wear PPE. A face mask will do. The dental staff should be wearing one, too. Your dentist should be in full PPE during your treatment.
4. Practice physical distancing.
5. Observe respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.
6. Wash or sanitize your hands before and after the procedure.
1. Don’t bring a companion. You will be the only one allowed inside the office. But if it is necessary for the patient’s welfare, the companion may be allowed, subject to the same pre-screening procedure.
2. Don’t touch objects and surfaces. Viruses often live there.
3. No handshakes. Just give due courtesy.
4. As much as possible, avoid undue conversations. This will limit possible contact.
After the Procedure
1. Abide by your dentist’s instructions on how to care for your teeth post-treatment.
2. Update your dentist if you experience any COVID-like symptoms within the next 14 days.
3. Wash or sanitize your hands when you leave the office premises.
1. Don’t loiter when you finish your appointment. Go home immediately.
Modern Family Dental Care Reopens
Modern Family Dental Care in Charlotte, & Concord reopened its offices and is ready to provide you with the safest and highest quality dental care. We are implementing the ADA Return to Work Interim Guidance and the CDC Infection Prevention and Control measures to ensure your safety and welfare while inside our offices and receiving your treatment.
What are you waiting for? Book your appointment today! For inquiries and concerns, you may call us at phone no. (888) 716-3184.