
SMILE! How Dental Implants Could Change Your Life for the Better

The benefits of a joy-filled smile are astounding. Scientists have found that smiling has an extremely powerful effect on all of us: 1) Smiling is contagious; 2) Smiling reduces stress; 3) Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better; 4) Smiling boosts our immunity and prevents heart disease; 5) Smiling makes us more empathetic and attractive; 6) Smiling makes us

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Foods for Fresh Breath and Whiter Teeth

People want to have fresh breath and whiter teeth, and everyone wants to know how to have fresh breath. Of course the best way to achieve that is by having a regular oral hygiene routine that includes regular brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist.  But there are foods that will help keep your teeth whiter and keep your breath

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Oh, No! A Cavity?! Does That Mean I Have to Give Up Candy?

You may not have realized it, but June is National Candy Month. Now, coming from a dentist, that might seem like a strange reminder – especially since we’ve all heard someone say to us “that candy will rot your teeth out!” So, does candy cause cavitites? Well, yes… and no. The bacteria living in our mouths like to feast on

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