Your Charlotte Dentist Shares The Causes, Impact, and Prevention of Tooth Decay
Tooth decay or cavities occur due to the build-up of acid produced by plaque on teeth. If dental plaque is not removed during brushing or flossing, it can lead to oral health issues like dental abscesses, gum disease, or dental caries (holes in the teeth). Take care of your tooth decay in Concord Mills by visiting our dental clinic. Cavities
Charlotte Dentist Explains All You Need To Know About All-On-4 Dental Implants
If you are missing most or all of your teeth or have many that are badly decayed, the idea of having a functional, confident smile might seem out of reach. However, advancements in dental technology have introduced treatments that can quickly transform smiles, with one of the most groundbreaking being the All-on-4 dental implants. At Modern Family Dental Care, we
Charlotte Dentist Weighs In On The Benefits Of Invisalign Treatment
For years, thousands of people have sought orthodontic solutions not only for aesthetic reasons but also to improve their overall dental health. According to the American Dental Association, aligning crooked and crowded teeth can significantly improve a patient’s smile, oral hygiene, and overall dental health. While traditional braces remain prevalent, technological advancements have paved the way for more effective and