Advantages of Getting a Dental Implant
A missing tooth can be a disaster for your smile. That’s a complete confidence killer. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right? But sometimes it’s unavoidable. Tooth loss happens due to tooth decay, gum disease or injury, and it happens to many. You don’t have to suffer the consequences of a missing tooth but rather you should act on it.
Home Care After Tooth Extractions
A toothache, especially a severe one is a dreaded experience for many. Most often, only your dentist can resolve this through proper dental care. When the cause of your toothache is due to excessive decay, damage or infection, a tooth extraction will be done. Cases like tooth overcrowding may warrant a tooth to be removed to correct spacing and alignment
Differences Between Plaque and Tartar
You’ve often heard about plaque and tartar from your dentist and that it’s important to remove them in caring for your teeth and oral health. You have your teeth cleaned as advised and that’s it. But I guess you’ve wondered, up until now, what plaque and tartar are and how they differ. Let us help you with differentiating the two