What is a Sinus Lift for Dental Implants?

what is a sinus lift surgery

If your dentist has said that you need a sinus lift surgery, it’s probably because you need a dental implant in your upper jaw to replace a missing tooth. Unfortunately, the dentist noticed that there just isn’t enough bone to do the procedure. 

There is usually one reason for this – your jaw bone dissolved away because you were missing one or more teeth. So, when a dentist comes across this, he or she will use a sinus lift to make sure there’s enough bone to secure a dental implant.

Now, I know it can sound scary when a dentist needs to do ANYTHING – especially when it’s a surgical procedure. But trust me, to a qualified dentist, this is a normal thing to do.

So, what actually happens during a dental sinus lift?

First, a dentist will cut the gum tissue where your back teeth used to be. Then, the tissue is raised, exposing the bone, and a small hole is made in the existing jaw bone. 

The membrane lining the sinus on the other side of the window separates your sinus from your jaw. This membrane is gently pushed up and away from your jaw.

Then, bone-graft material is packed into the space between the membrane and the floor of the sinus bone. The amount of bone used will vary, but usually several cc’s of bone is added above the jaw.

I like to use bone prepared with PRP, which allows for better and faster healing.

Once the bone is in place, the tissue is closed with stitches. Your implants will be placed about four to six months later. This allows time for the grafted material to become one with your bone. The amount of time depends on if PRP is used and the healing qualities of the patient.

After your sinus-lift, your dentist may give you saline sprays to keep the inner lining of your nose wet and prescribe medicine to prevent congestion and inflammation. You also will be given pain medicine, an antibiotic, and an antimicrobial mouthwash to help prevent infection. 

Most patients have only a little discomfort after a sinus-lift procedure.

Then you’ll see your dentist again, about 7 to 10 days later. He or she will evaluate the surgical site and remove stitches if they will not dissolve on their own. You might be asked to return a few more times to make sure the area is healing properly.

Some specialists, including me (as I’ve mentioned earlier), have started using Platelet Rich Plasma. Platelet-rich plasma, which contains growth factors, is taken from your blood before surgery and mixed with the graft that is placed into your sinus. 

Those growth factors will help you to recover faster, and minimize your pain.

And if you are missing a tooth and need dental implants, feel free to RSVP (include link) for my FREE informational seminar or give one of my offices a call and ask for a consultation, and I’ll be happy to give you the perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

-Dr. Taj

For more information, be sure to visit me or my staff at one of the three locations shown below, go to my website at ModernFamilyDentalCare.com, or watch my Dental Minute video: