How to Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Removal

how to prepare for wisdom teeth removal

No patient wants to face the removal of their wisdom teeth, but all too often it is the only way to restore dental health. Once given the news that one or even more wisdom teeth will need to be extracted, how does one prepare for the surgery?

One of two things could happen once your dentist determines that a wisdom tooth requires removal; he or she could decide that it will be an in-office procedure or if the tooth is deeply impacted, your dentist may require you to see an oral surgeon qualified for a more complicated procedure.

Question patients should ask their dentists about wisdom teeth removal:

  • How many wisdom teeth need to be extracted? This information will provide you with the necessary knowledge of how difficult, lengthy, and challenging recovery will be.
  • Am I able to use local anesthesia, or will my surgery require sedation?
  • Is there any other damage that has been caused by this situation with my wisdom teeth, and will I possibly need more surgery in the near future?
  • How long is the procedure?
  • Is there any nerve damage that will affect my life after the surgery?
  • And how long will it take me to recover?

How to prepare for your surgery once your questions are answered:

Most wisdom teeth removal surgeries are outpatient procedures, meaning that you will go home the same day. Your dentist’s staff will provide you with the necessary preparation list before surgery. These instructions could include the answers to these questions, but if they do not, be mindful to ask:

  • If you will need someone available to drive you home
  • What foods or drinks you should avoid before surgery and how long you should avoid them
  • Your exact arrival time for surgery
  • And if there are any possible dangerous interactions with any medications and prescription drugs you may be taking

Modern Family Dental Care offers wisdom tooth extractions in Charlotte. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at one of our Concord or Charlotte dental offices.