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Cosmetic Makeovers Build Confidence

Cosmetic Makeovers Build Confidence

We create a beautiful, confident, and healthy smile for everyone.

This phrase has become the mission statement for my offices. And it’s because I’m passionate about making sure that everyone has a beautiful smile. Your smile is one of the first things that people see. It is often a person’s first impression of you. And also, because when you have a beautiful and healthy smile, you feel more confident.

Beautiful Smile Gives You Confidence

And when you’re smiling, people are more likely to assume you have positive qualities — they perceive you as more sociable, trustworthy and intelligent, compared to when you aren’t smiling.

Chipped Teeth

This means that the reverse is also true. If you’re not happy with your smile, then you’re probably not smiling too often. And if you’re not smiling, then people will view you as less sociable, less trustworthy, and less intelligent, compared to others who are smiling.

Recently, I had a patient come in who had a chip in a porcelain bridge right before her graduation. Why did she want to get it fixed? She wanted to have a great smile for her pictures. By knowing that her smile would be perfect, she would be more confident when taking photos and interacting with family and friends.

Whiter Teeth Make a Big Deal

Also, it’s not unusual for business professionals to come in and have their smiles improved. They may feel that their teeth aren’t as white as they’d like, or that their teeth have lost their youthful sheen, which can make them feel ashamed about the appearance of their smile.

Whiter Teeth

It can be hard to lead a team meeting or make a sales pitch when you’re worried about your smile. Yellow stained teeth or crooked teeth can have a huge impact on your confidence. If your customer or co-workers are busy staring at your bad teeth, instead of hearing what you’re saying, then all your efforts have been in vain. As most sales-people know, the more confident you are, the easier it is to see your product and yourself – which will help you land that big deal.

Fortunately, for most of these cosmetic makeovers, all it takes is a quick office visit. Just come in, and during the time it normally takes for lunch, my staff and I can have you looking and feeling your best.Because, when you have a beautiful and healthy smile. You’ll be more confident to express yourself and smile when you’re with your family, friends and co-workers.

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