Bioactive Glass Could Make Dental Fillings Last Longer
These days, dental fillings are made from a variety of materials including gold, porcelain and composite resin. Each option has its own unique virtues and drawbacks, and all of them have finite lifespans. Metal amalgam fillings, which are typically the most durable options, have expected lifespans of about 15 years. Composite fillings, on the other hand, may only last about
What is Ridge Preservation and How Does it Work?
Ordinarily, our jaw bones are only as large and strong as they are because we use them all the time. Once teeth are lost and we stop applying force to the jawbone, however, the bone mass gradually diminishes until all that’s left is a small, narrow ridge of bone. This can make it difficult, if not impossible, to install dental
Understanding Your Dental Insurance Coverage
Some of the questions we hear most often from patients concern their coverage for dental services, such as restorative dentistry or annual teeth cleanings. Some patients aren’t aware of the extent of their coverage, while others have questions about their network and payment structure. Unfortunately, insurance jargon can be difficult to decipher for those of us who don’t work in