Fix Your Smile With Dental Implants
What’s one of the first things you notice about somebody? (Hint: The answer most often given is their smile.) When we meet people, talk to them, or just glance at them, we often smile. Whether it’s done purposefully or unconsciously, our smiles are one of the first things people see – and notice. So, when people have missing or damaged
Why Your Tooth Hurts and What to Do
If you’ve ever had a toothache, I’m sure it’s something you’ll never forget. Whether it’s a constant dull ache or a sharp searing pain when chewing, by the time you get a bad toothache, it’s already too late and probably means that you should see a dentist immediately. The Causes of Bad Toothache The conditions that actually cause a toothache
Your Mouth and Diabetes
Unfortunately, diabetes is a way of life in America. Almost 29 MILLION Americans have diabetes, and it’s estimated that 7.2 MILLION additional people have undiagnosed diabetes. Sadly, the vast majority of these people could prevent their diabetes by having a healthier lifestyle. Did you know that diabetes can also affect your oral health? It is important to inform your dentist