Make Sure You Have Kissable Breath
Today is Valentine’s Day, and you know what that means – at some point you’re going to be kissing your sweetie. And let’s be honest – kissing can be complicated. The mood, the timing, the lighting, the angle; everything needs to be just right for you to have a memorable kiss. But do you know what’s the MOST important part
Give Your Kids the Life-Long Gift of a Healthy Mouth
Since one of our primary services is family dental care, I treat entire families — from kids, to adults, to the elderly. One of the questions that I often get is when a parent asks me “Do I need to brush my kid’s baby teeth?” When to Start Brushing Baby Teeth I understand where they’re coming from; after all, their
Start the New Year with a New Smile
As we start the New Year, people are always making resolutions to better themselves, but I rarely hear resolutions from people vowing to improve their oral health and have a perfect smile. Your Smile is Important! Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. In fact, the Academy of General Dentistry reports that 40 percent