Which Toothpaste is Best?
Every time you walk down the toothpaste aisle of your store, you’ll see that there are a LOT of toothpaste options out there. There’s toothpaste that will whiten your teeth. There are toothpastes for sensitive teeth. There are toothpastes with fluoride. There are toothpastes that taste like bubble-gum. There are toothpastes that have hydrogen peroxide. There are toothpastes that are
Which Toothbrush is Best: Manual or Electric?
One question I often get asked is: “What is the best toothbrush for cleaning teeth? Which toothbrush is best: manual or electric?” My short answer is always Electric. Comparing 30,000 brush strokes per minute to 200 doesn’t even make it a competition. But there’s more to it than that. Brushing twice a day is essential to having a healthy mouth.
You No Longer Have to Hide Your Smile
Many people no longer smile. When they do not smile, they often are labeled as being mean or unfriendly. I speak with patients every day who experience this. The amount of pain I sense can be felt in the entire room. Not only do they hide a big smile with a smirk, but they also cover their mouth when they