Oral Cancer Screenings and Awareness Month
Did you know that April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month? I’m guessing you probably didn’t. After all, April is a busy month. There is April Fool’s Day. There is Easter, and Baseball has just started. Hockey playoffs are also underway. In addition, April is the official month of over 30 issues! (If you don’t believe me, check out this link.)
Smile Makeovers Change Your Life
Are you confident when you smile……. I enjoy interacting with my patients and treating them like family. I appreciate the trust my patients show to me and my staff. I like showing my patients how they can live a more happy and fulfilling life with a healthy mouth. And I LOVE working on a challenging smile makeover. When those smile
Missing Teeth Take Years off Your Life
Did you know people with teeth live 10 years longer than those without teeth? The Mayo Clinic did a study and found out that this is all because of malnutrition. When you have no teeth, people are forced to eat softer, more starchier foods. This leads to diseases related to aging like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. People try to