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9 Smart Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Tips to get rid of bad breath

Sometimes, you’ll notice an unpleasant odor coming from your mouth. Like when you haven’t brushed your teeth, after you wake-up or when you haven’t eaten anything yet. This foul smell is what we call bad breath and it happens to most of us. It’s sometimes normal.

However, if bad breath is persistent and is affecting yourself and others, it can be a serious concern that needs to be addressed. It can be embarrassing for those who have bad breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Doctors refer to bad breath as “Halitosis”, a foul smell coming from exhaled breaths that is usually not serious but can be a cause of concern. First, let’s look at what causes bad breath.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Bacteria tend to multiply and grow in a dirty mouth, that’s the main reason why you have bad breath. Most often, poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of having bad breath

Food Intake

Food stains and debris often get caught in our teeth and gums. Bacteria proliferate in these areas and when not cleaned cause bad breath.

A diet rich in food that has a strong odor, such as garlic and onions can cause your mouth to stink. Excessive alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking are prime suspects, too.

Underlying Health Concerns

Sometimes, when bad breath is persistent and cannot be resolved by good oral hygiene it is caused by a serious medical condition. Diabetes, liver and kidney diseases are some health problems that are related to chronic bad breath.

Getting Rid of Bad Breath

You just learned some of the causes of bad breath and it probably gave you an idea of how to confront and get rid of it. If it’s a hygiene issue, it can be easily dealt with. But more complicated situations, like health issues, will need a dentist or a doctor’s help.

Dr. Taj Haynes of Modern Family Dental Care discusses in this video the various ways to treat bad breath.

Say goodbye to bad breath with these 9 easy to do tips:

Tip #1: Brush your teeth and floss regularly

The most important oral hygiene of all. Cleaning your teeth is the best way to prevent bacteria that’s causing bad breath. Brushing your teeth and flossing helps prevent tooth decay.

It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once. If you feel that isn’t enough, you can do it more often to make sure that there’s no reason to have bad breath.

However, anything in excess can also be harmful. Too much brushing can weaken your teeth enamel and cause sensitivity issues.

Tip #2: Gargle

This is the act of rinsing your mouth. You can do this more frequently with water. A mouthwash is a better alternative as it gets rid of bacteria more effectively and gives you fresher breath.

Tip #3: Clean your tongue

Your tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria and is commonly the source of bad breath. Those white or sometimes yellowish coats on your tongue are indicators that it isn’t clean.

When brushing your teeth, gently brush your tongue as well. If it isn’t effective, you can use a scraper to help remove the smell. A scraper is designed specifically for your tongue to remove food debris and dead cells that are causing the bacteria. A mouthwash or a mouth antiseptic can further help clean your tongue.

Tip #4: Chew sugar-free gums with xylitol

Acid build-up causes bad breath. Candies and mints aren’t effective to cover bad breath because they’ll just make the problem worse. They are sweet and bacteria love them. It will not only give you bad breath but will also cause tooth decay.

Chew sugar-free gums instead. They stimulate saliva production, which is your mouth’s first level of defense against acids that cause plaque and bad breath. For a better option, choose gums with xylitol, a natural sweetener, that is effective in fighting bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease.

Tip #5: Drink plenty of water 

Dehydration also causes bad breath, so make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Water also helps prevent dry mouth.

Tip #6: Be aware of the food you eat

Onions and garlic are culprits of bad breath. Even by brushing, you will have a difficult time removing those types of odors. You might contest about their health benefits. You’re right! But it wouldn’t hurt to manage your intake.

Also, watch your diet. A good balance of protein and carbohydrates is the best healthwise. But if you are avoiding carbs because you want to slim down, this can also cause you some trouble with your breath. Diets low in carbs make the body burn fats instead of sugar, therefore causing bad breath.

Tip #7: Avoid Vices

Drinking excessive alcohol, chewing tobacco and cigarette smoking are all contributors to having bad breath. Not just that, they are also known to affect your overall health. Create a lifestyle free from all those vices if possible.

Tip #8: Clean dentures

Don’t miss out on cleaning your dentures and do it thoroughly! Bacteria also builds up on dentures and not cleaning them means a disaster for your mouth. Dentures can cause tons of problems, including bad breath. Brush them the same way you do with your teeth.

Tip #9: If bad breath persists, visit your dentist

A regular dental check-up is the best way to prevent and stop bad breath. Frequent dental cleanings can remove stains, food debris and tooth decay that are causing bad breath. So, make sure to include a visit to your dentist regularly. 

Your Family Dentist in Charlotte is Waiting for You

If you’re experiencing bad breath and it’s affecting your confidence, don’t hesitate to visit your friendly-neighborhood dentist in Charlotte. Modern Family Dental Care in Charlotte will welcome you with open arms and will treat your condition with utmost care. 

You don’t have to be embarrassed with us, all you need to do is sit down and we’ll do what we do best.

We are in three locations in Charlotte offering complete dental care and are fully equipped with the latest dental technology. 

Click this link to book an appointment.

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