10 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Sealants

Dental Sealant 10 FAQs

Tooth decay is a dental concern across all ages. Everyone will have at least one cavity at some point in their lifetime. The bad news is many are reactive about this problem and will wait for a toothache before going to the dentist to treat their decaying teeth.

The good news, on the other hand, is that there are dental treatments already available to prevent and treat tooth decay. Gaining popularity in dental technology is the use of sealants to cover decaying teeth because it is a noninvasive and pain-free approach. Moreso, even when decays aren’t present yet, sealants can protect the teeth from bacteria that’s causing cavities.

Dr. Taj Haynes of Modern Family Dental Care in Charlotte shared his expertise about Dental Sealants in the following video.

This article answers the most frequently asked questions with regard to dental sealants.

Q1: What are dental sealants?

Sealants are dental grade materials used to cover teeth depression and grooves to prevent and treat tooth decay. They are made from thin plastic that is bonded to the teeth surface (enamel) as protection. Sealants are commonly used on molars and premolars as they are the usual areas for tooth decay.

Q2: When are sealants used?

Sealants are used either to prevent decay or treat ongoing decays in the teeth. Think of sealants as shields for your teeth. Shields are used to defend and protect, which are exactly the purpose of sealants for your teeth.

For protection, sealants are applied even at the onset of tooth decay or even when there is none yet. This is especially true for kids and teens to prevent their teeth from decaying. Sealants are also effective when cavities and caries are already formed, which are causing toothaches. Sealants are used to cover the holes and prevent further decay.

When sealants are applied, food debris and leftovers won’t be stuck in between teeth or on surfaces. That way, bacteria cannot linger to cause decay.

Q3: Who are the candidates to get sealants?

Generally, sealants are for everyone, especially for preventive purposes. Kids that are starting to develop their teeth are recommended to get sealants to avoid tooth decay early on. We also don’t want our children to endure toothaches, right?

Teenagers who are most prone to cavities should also get sealants to protect their permanent teeth. Adults and old members of the family can still get sealants. Actually, this sector neglects their own tooth decay the most, thinking that treatment is for the young members of their family.

But everyone should treat their decaying teeth because it doesn’t just affect their oral health but also their overall well-being. A sealant treatment is an effective solution to prevent teeth from decaying.

Q4: When is the best time to get a sealant?

This is related to question number two. The best time to get a sealant is NOW. Don’t wait for decays to get severe or toothaches to happen. As they say, prevention is better than cure. Sealants will act as your preventive measure to counter teeth from decaying and deter some more teeth problems.

Q5: How are sealants applied? Are they painful?

First, the sealant application isn’t painful. It’s actually a convenient and painless dental treatment that can be done very quickly.

Sealants application process:

1. The dentist will clean and dry the focused area.
2. An acidic gel will be applied to the targeted area. The gel will prepare  the tooth enamel for bonding.
3. The gel is rinsed from the teeth and once again the dentist will dry the target area.
4. The sealants will be applied to the grooves of your teeth.
5. As a finale, a blue light will be used by your dentist to harden the seal. 

Q6: Do sealants cause any side effects?

There are no known side effects with the use of sealants, except for probable allergy issues, which are very low and not harmful.

Q7: How long do sealants last?

Sealants are long-lasting. It can withstand up to 10 years if the teeth are well taken care of. A regular dental check-up is necessary to ensure sealants are still intact. As necessary, sealants are easy to replace.

Q8: How much does a sealant treatment cost?

According to a consumer report, dental sealants cost between $35 to $60 per tooth. While it seems a little expensive for a minor treatment, getting a sealant will save you on future costs caused by tooth decay such as a dental filling, tooth extraction and more dental problems.

Q9: Are Sealants Covered By Dental Plans?

Some insurance plans do cover sealants. To make sure, you can inquire with your insurance provider about your dental coverage.

Q10: Where to get your sealants?

Seek out the nearest dental practices in your area or ask for referrals that offer affordable and quality dental sealants.

If you’re residing in Charlotte or nearby areas, Modern Family Dental Care is your best choice to get your sealant treatment. Our experienced and skilled dentists will determine first if a sealant is proper to treat your case. We care for your oral health, we can offer advice if sealants are something you should consider. Moreso, we offer a complete list of dental services for the entire family.

Modern Family Dental Care in Charlotte offers various payment options and plans. We also assist in maximizing your insurance benefits.

Visit Modern Family Dental Care today to learn your options. We are in three locations around North Carolina, find the one nearest you: Concord Mills, Davis Lake.

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